Graduate Coursework
3.81 GPA, University of Massachusetts Amherst, CICS, 2018
COMPSCI 689 Advanced Machine Learning
- Syllabus
- Also the grader for this course
- Assignments
COMPSCI 682 Neural Networks: A Modern Introduction
- Assignments
COMPSCI 690N Advanced Natural Language Processing
- Assignments
COMPSCI 688 Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Assignments
- Heart disease prediction model
- OCR using CRFs
- Image Denoising and Gibbs Sampling
COMPSCI 585 Intro to Natural Language Processing
- Assignments
COMPSCI 590D Algorithms for Data Science
- Clustering
- Estimating Statistical Properties of Data
- Near Neighbor Search
- Algorithms over Massive Graphs and Social Networks
- Learning Algorithms
- Randomized Algorithms
- Assignments
- Reservoir Sampling
- Count-min Sketch
- Map Reduce
- Locality Sensitve Hashing
COMPSCI 590S Systems for Data Science
- Parallelism: Threads, message-passing , Fault-tolerance
- Large-Scale Analytics: MapReduce / Hadoop
- Distributed computing, Cloud Computing, “Big Data”
- Databases: SQL, database architectures, optimization, consistency, NoSQL, key-value stores, consistent hashing (Redis, MongoDB)
- Optimizing MapReduce: FlumeJava
- Storage: Google File System / HDFS
- Parallel Processing: Spark SQL, TensorFlow,Dynamo
- Distributed Shared Memory, Data Warehousing, BigTable
COMPSCI 645 Database Design and Implementation
- Relational Algebra, SQL, Datalog
- Storage and Indexing
- Query processing and optimization
- FDs and normalization
- Transactions and concurrency
- Data understanding, fairness,diversity, and transparency
- Security & Database Theory
- Reinforcement Learning (David Silver, John Schulmann)
- Machine Learning (Andrew Ng)
- Recommender Systems (Yong Feng)