Personal Projects

This page contains info about some projects of my own design (Not part of MOOCs)

Please click the links below ⬇️to explore the project further and access the pdf,code and support materials

Green Screen Image Composition Transfer

less than 1 minute read


Using StableDiffusion for text2img background generation and MODNET/U2net model to seamlessly superimpose the isolated foreground using Alpha-matting and apply Nvidia’s FastPhotoStyle for an image stylization and smoothening


less than 1 minute read


Using GANS to generate images that are then used for deep fakes. Using Capsule networks instead of regular CNNs

Improving Open Domain Dialogue-Systems (Chatbots)

less than 1 minute read


Built a seq2seq neural conversational model in PyTorch using attention with intention and a diversity promoting objective function to prevent irrelevant generic outputs’

DSR Reinforcement Learning to navigate a Labyrinth

less than 1 minute read


Generalized Successor Representations from Neuroscience within an end-to-end deep reinforcement learning framework, comparing its efficacy to DQN on two diverse environments (Mazebase and DOOM) given raw pixel observations.’